My Best Experience
Experience- something personally undergone or lived through
Supposed to- to be expected to do something
Quickly- with speed; fast
Architecture- formation or construction of something
Snobby- snooty; someone that thinks they're superior
Least favorite- something that is liked, but not liked the best.
Immersed- engrossed, absorbed
Vocabulary Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.
1. The man _____________ himself in his work; it was all he cared about.
2. The car drove down the street so ____________ that I could feel the wind from it on my face.
3. Today was __________________ be a nice day, but it ended up raining.
4. Brad really admired the __________________ of the buildings because they were all built in the 1800s.
5. I don't like going to that mall because everyone is so ______________. They make me feel as if they're better than me.
6. My favorite subject in school is science and my ________________ subject is math. Math is okay but I'd rather not do it.
7. Because of a past ________________, I won't get my hair cut at that salon anymore.
Grammar Point:
The Simple Past Tense is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that have already happened. When using the simple past tense, it means that this action has already finished. For example, in the sentence 'Jeremy ran to the store,' the word "ran" is the verb "run" in the past tense. You can read more about the simple past tense at
Grammar Exercise:
1. Find 5 simple past tense verbs in the post above.
2. What is the simple past tense of the following verbs:
Drink _________
Eat _________
Go _________
Buy _________
3. Write a sentence using a verb in the simple past tense.
I am so glad that you got to visit Europe. London is one of my favorite places, and I lived there and near there for a few years. I love Edinburgh more, so you must try to get there sometime. Americans aren't well liked in France, so perhaps that contributed to the negative attitudes you encountered. I have never been to Amsterdam, but I have heard it is beautiful.